Thursday, April 16, 2015

Things I Know

Things I Know....

You don't push for opportunities.  You prepare for them.

Omission may not be a lie, but it's a form of disrespect.

Don't give excuses, give solutions.

Trying is lying.

Silence is a cruelty bestowed by people who are cowardly or vengeful.

In every conversation you must not speak unless you ask yourself three things:
     1.  is it kind?
     2.  is it constructive?
     3.  is it true?

If he wants you, he goes after you.

Giving closure to someone may hurt them in the short run but it is the kindest act in the end.

Two lovely people can love each other and still not be lovely together.

You can be with someone you don't love. ...but you shouldn't.

"Good enough" is insulting in any arena.

Unconditional love is letting go of what was and what could have been.  It is accepting what is.

I don't need someone to validate my worth...but I still like getting flowers and being told I'm beautiful.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be taken care of.

Integrity is a rare and undervalued attribute.  But all my closest friends have it.

Family is not just blood.

No one has it "together."

No artist is ever satisfied.  It will never be "enough."

If they truly mattered, the ache never truly goes away.  It doesn't mean you can't move on.

Half ass love is a consolation prize nobody wants.  It's like saying "at least you don't have cancer" to a guy with still sucks.

Sure.  You could've.  You should've. You would've. But you DIDN'T.  Bottom line.

When you've reached breaking point, you can keep going for miles.  

Life has no singular peak.  And after a peak comes a valley.

I'd rather be poor with a soul than rich without one.

There is no such thing as "the one."  But there are a tiny handful of rare birds that connect with you beyond all sanity and explanation.  These are the few that SEE you. They recognize you from a past life.  And there's no amount of logical thinking that will ever make you love them less.  Even if you don't choose each other in the end, be happy that you know that the human heart has the capacity to love like that.  And that you were lucky enough to feel it.

Just. Keep. Swimming.

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